Christmas Cosmo, for one...






Unwinding Christmas night on the couch is one of my favorite times. Sure I'd love to visit our awesome neighbors,  but I usually opt for a quiet couple of hours to relax.  ( they understand)  I shake myself a refreshing cranberry cosmo, made from the juice left after we bake cranberries at the bakery. I think back about what just happened in the past 6 weeks.  Rushing, rushing, keeping my head down just trying to make it through another one. Work, sleep, work, paperwork, sleep, work, shower, sleep.

The holiday prep starts early in the bakery business. Inventory, planning, staffing,, it all starts in October.  All the best plans, constantly evolving as the season moves along. Gift cards backordered, baskets discontinued, snowstorms, car problems, tantrums; all issues amplified as kitchen production triples.  Eventually , and somehow miraculously, through the sheer hard work of the staff and suppliers, it all comes together. Many thanks to all, and a special" shout out " to my seasonal help that comes to help during the busy season. Many are Sweet Maria "alumni"  that have moved on to other careers and positions. They don't have to come help, but they do...Thanks for coming back every December to share in the craziness of the season. I couldn't do it , and wouldn't do it , without you.  I'll miss the late night batches of fruitcakes, carb-filled staff meals, and Taylor Dayne sing-alongs, but right now I'm enjoying my quiet, and my couch. At least until wedding season…..

Cranberry Cosmo

2 ounces cranberry juice

1 ounce  Ketel One Vodka

1 ounce Cointreau

fresh juice from half a lime

Shake with ice and serve in chilled glass.


